News Watch, Shining Stars, Shimmering Flaws, Sleep on It, and It’s a Wonder 2560 1875 AEPC Health

News Watch, Shining Stars, Shimmering Flaws, Sleep on It, and It’s a Wonder

Ready for a Miracle Could we be witnessing a historic moment similar to those of 1899, 1916, 1921,or 1942? If you’re wondering what connects these dates, here’s a clue: they mark the discovery of “miracle”…

Nosing Out Why Kids Are Less Harmed by COVID 800 533 AEPC Health

Nosing Out Why Kids Are Less Harmed by COVID

TUESDAY, April 16, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The nose appears to know when it comes to why children typically have milder cases of COVID-19 than seniors, a new study finds. Cells lining the inside of…

News of Note, H2O Lowdown, Scam Savvy & Why Oh Why? 2560 1706 AEPC Health

News of Note, H2O Lowdown, Scam Savvy & Why Oh Why?

And Not a Drop to Drink You might have come across the famous line, “Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink,” from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” I remember…

Where Did That $9,000 Go?
Health Insurance Costs.
2560 1440 AEPC Health

Where Did That $9,000 Go?
Health Insurance Costs.

Had Health Insurance Costs Remained Stable, Wages for the Average Family Could Have Increased by Nearly $9,000 a Year A recently published study in the medical journal JAMA Open Network analyzed the cost of employer-sponsored…

Stopping Aspirin a Month After Stent Implant Helps Heart Patients 980 551 AEPC Health

Stopping Aspirin a Month After Stent Implant Helps Heart Patients

TUESDAY, April 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — People who’ve survived a heart attack and have been given a stent may be better off quitting low-dose aspirin a month after the procedure, a new study finds.…

News Roundup, Eyes on AI, Don’t Treat Me Wrong, & Back in the Day 2011 1491 AEPC Health

News Roundup, Eyes on AI, Don’t Treat Me Wrong, & Back in the Day

AI: Yesterday’s Vision, Today’s Reality Once considered the stuff of sci-fi novels and movies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved beyond imagination. Its sudden prominence may surprise those not deeply immersed in the field. How did such…

One-Third of Americans Don’t Know Vision Risks From Solar Eclipse, Survey Finds 800 600 AEPC Health

One-Third of Americans Don’t Know Vision Risks From Solar Eclipse, Survey Finds

TUESDAY, April 2, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A total eclipse of the sun is coming up next week, and many folks don’t know that watching it unprotected can cause permanent eye damage, a new survey…

Vital News, Costly Rides, It’s About Time, & Discovery Den 2560 1914 AEPC Health

Vital News, Costly Rides, It’s About Time, & Discovery Den

Like a Total Eclipse Just over a week remains! On April 8, a total solar eclipse will sweep across parts of the US, promising to be significantly larger than the 2017 event. NASA reports that…

Eli Lilly Warns That 2 Insulin Products Will Be in Short Supply 980 735 AEPC Health

Eli Lilly Warns That 2 Insulin Products Will Be in Short Supply

MONDAY, March 25, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Drugmaker Eli Lilly & Co is announcing a temporary shortage of two of its insulin products. “The 10 mL [millilter] vials of Humalog® and Insulin Lispro Injection are…

In the Headlines, Bold Breakthroughs, Personal Thoughts & On the Lighter Side 2560 1696 AEPC Health

In the Headlines, Bold Breakthroughs, Personal Thoughts & On the Lighter Side

A Million Dollars The 1990s hit “If I Had $1,000,000” by the Canadian band Barenaked Ladies remains one of their most iconic songs. Known for its witty and whimsical lyrics, the song playfully explores what…

CDC, AMA Issue Calls to Get Vaccinated Against Measles 800 528 AEPC Health

CDC, AMA Issue Calls to Get Vaccinated Against Measles

TUESDAY, March 19, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Two of America’s leading health organizations are highlighting a global rise in measles cases as yet another reason for families to make sure they get the measles vaccine.…

News to Know, Be Aware, Tips Not Tricks, and Charmed Life 2560 1875 AEPC Health

News to Know, Be Aware, Tips Not Tricks, and Charmed Life

Health vs. Wealth The official start of spring on March 19th is rapidly approaching. But before the spring equinox, there is an important day many do not wish to miss – St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th!…

Politics Hasn’t Shaken Most Americans’ Faith in Science: Study 1620 1080 AEPC Health

Politics Hasn’t Shaken Most Americans’ Faith in Science: Study

TUESDAY, March 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The Trump administration’s attacks on scientists didn’t shake Americans’ confidence in science, a new analysis shows. “The proportion of Americans with a low level of trust in scientific…

Hitting the Headlines, It’s a 1st, Stars to Know & In Real Life 2011 1491 AEPC Health

Hitting the Headlines, It’s a 1st, Stars to Know & In Real Life

A Woman’s Place The old saying, “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” is a well-known, outdated stereotype suggesting that women should focus on being homemakers and raising children instead of working outside of the…

A Cheaper Way to Protect Kids’ Teeth From Cavities 800 533 AEPC Health

A Cheaper Way to Protect Kids’ Teeth From Cavities

TUESDAY, March 5, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A cheap cavity-fighting liquid typically used to treat sensitive teeth appears to work as well as dental sealants in preventing tooth decay, a new study finds. A single…

In the News, Eating Gone Wrong, Change Makers and Explore &Enjoy 2560 1914 AEPC Health

In the News, Eating Gone Wrong, Change Makers and Explore &Enjoy

Thin Pursuits I didn’t grow up with Barbie dolls as part of my childhood toy collection. However, I found myself reluctantly purchasing several of them, along with extra outfits, for my nieces. Despite Barbie’s various…

Which Families Are Less Likely to Get Teens the HPV Vaccine? 425 239 AEPC Health

Which Families Are Less Likely to Get Teens the HPV Vaccine?

TUESDAY, Feb. 27, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Well-to-do American families are more likely than poorer families to increase their children’s risk of cervical cancer by skipping the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, a new study has…

In the News, Look Before Leaping, Opioid Crisis 4.0 & Behind the Brand ⚠️ 2560 1696 AEPC Health

In the News, Look Before Leaping, Opioid Crisis 4.0 & Behind the Brand ⚠️

Leap Year Matters As February draws to a close, we are on the edge of a rare event. For most years, the end of February signals the approach of March, but every 4 years or so…

Annual Mammograms Starting at 40 Saves The Most Lives 980 735 AEPC Health

Annual Mammograms Starting at 40 Saves The Most Lives

TUESDAY, Feb. 20, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Researchers hope a new study will end the debate over the best age to start breast cancer screening and how often to do it. “The biggest takeaway point…

News Watch, Better Together, Money & More, Behind the Scenes 2560 1875 AEPC Health

News Watch, Better Together, Money & More, Behind the Scenes

It’s a Moment February is Black History month, a recognition of the triumphs and adversities that are an indelible part our country’s history. Black history is also organized labor’s history. Progressive leaders such as Fredrick…

Avoiding Meat Can Help Men Cope With Prostate Cancer Treatments 1618 1080 AEPC Health

Avoiding Meat Can Help Men Cope With Prostate Cancer Treatments

TUESDAY, Feb. 13, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The red meat diet associated with masculinity could be the worst thing for men dealing with prostate cancer, a new study says. Prostate cancer patients who limit meat…

News to Know, Counting Sheep, By the Numbers, Numbers & More 2011 1491 AEPC Health

News to Know, Counting Sheep, By the Numbers, Numbers & More

The Count As Super Bowl Sunday nears, they are already in the spotlight. No, I am not referring to the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs players who will be battling to be…

More Evidence COVID Shot in Pregnancy Is Safe, Healthy for Babies 425 239 AEPC Health

More Evidence COVID Shot in Pregnancy Is Safe, Healthy for Babies

TUESDAY, Feb. 6, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The COVID-19 vaccine given to pregnant women does no harm to their unborn babies, and can actually lower the risk of serious complications in newborns, a new study…

News of Note, Hey Elmo, Cost Matters and On the Lighter Side 💰 2560 1696 AEPC Health

News of Note, Hey Elmo, Cost Matters and On the Lighter Side 💰

How is everybody doing? Guess who is celebrating his birthday on February 3rd? Here’s a hint. He is a red, furry, and an optimistic monster who lives at 123 Sesame Street with his mother, Mae,…

Why the Rise in Breast Cancers in Younger Women? 800 600 AEPC Health

Why the Rise in Breast Cancers in Younger Women?

TUESDAY, Jan. 30, 2024 (HealthDay News) — A surge in breast cancers for women younger than 50 has puzzled medical experts, but a new study provides some new information that could help halt this trend.…

Starting Lineup, Offsides, Forward Progress, All Cats Great & Small 2560 1440 AEPC Health

Starting Lineup, Offsides, Forward Progress, All Cats Great & Small

On the Edge of Glory Feeling blue? Well, you are not alone. Detroit Lions football fans everywhere are showing their support for the team during the playoffs with “all things blue” –- jerseys, outdoor lighting,…

Dana Farber Cancer Center to Retract or Fix Dozens of Studies 800 533 AEPC Health

Dana Farber Cancer Center to Retract or Fix Dozens of Studies

TUESDAY, Jan. 23, 2024 (HealthDay News) — The prestigious Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston will retract six studies and correct 31 more as part of an ongoing investigation into claims of data manipulation. The…

News to Know, Give Me a Reason, Closer Looks & Curious Takes 2560 1914 AEPC Health

News to Know, Give Me a Reason, Closer Looks & Curious Takes

Words to Live By There are some things that can never be forgotten – like the favorite sayings of parents, family, and others in our lives. In my case, it’s the words of a high…

Higher Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Insurance Keep Wages Low: Study 1620 1080 AEPC Health

Higher Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Insurance Keep Wages Low: Study

TUESDAY, Jan. 16, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Ever glance at your paycheck and wonder why your take-home pay is so much less than you’d expect? The rising cost of employer-sponsored health insurance is a major…

Headline Hits, Race Matters, On the Streets and Music to One’s Ears 2560 1696 AEPC Health

Headline Hits, Race Matters, On the Streets and Music to One’s Ears

More Than One Dream Martin Luther King Jr. Day (“MLK Day”) 2024 is Monday, Jan. 15 — and this year, the federal holiday falls on the actual birthday of the visionary minister and civil rights…

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