Weekend Reading: Tribute to African American History, Against the Clock, It’s Like a Slalom Race, Going for Gold, and Since 1924 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Tribute to African American History, Against the Clock, It’s Like a Slalom Race, Going for Gold, and Since 1924

February is Black History Month, a way to show our country’s respect and recognition for the hard work and sacrifices made by African Americans. This year’s theme focuses on the importance of Black Health and Wellness. The…

Weekend Reading: Making a Difference, Making the News, Making Changes, and Making It 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Making a Difference, Making the News, Making Changes, and Making It

Is life better in the U.S. today than 100 years ago? The 1920s, or the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great prosperity. With money to spend, Americans were buying mass-produced goods, such as ready-to-wear clothes, electric refrigerators, and radios.…

Weekend Reading: Footing the Bill, In a Pinch, Civility Costs Nothing and Dollars & Donuts 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Footing the Bill, In a Pinch, Civility Costs Nothing and Dollars & Donuts

The pandemic continues to make life seem like a lemon for millions of Americans and others across the world. But this week, lemonade was made from some of the lemons. According to three studies released…

Weekend Reading: In the News, Narrowing the Gap, Science Says, and Urban Legends 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: In the News, Narrowing the Gap, Science Says, and Urban Legends

On Monday, our country will honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The Martin Luther King holiday serves multiple purposes: it honors the total legacy of Dr. King, focuses on the issue of civil…

Healing Without Harm in the ICU – A Doctor Explains 2061 1374 AEPC Health

Healing Without Harm in the ICU – A Doctor Explains

A trip to a hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) isn’t usually planned ahead of time. It typically happens suddenly, when an illness or accident reaches a critical level and intensive care is needed to save…

Weekend Reading: An Ounce of Prevention, In the News, Health Hacks, Curiosity Corner 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: An Ounce of Prevention, In the News, Health Hacks, Curiosity Corner

Happy new year and welcome to the first Weekend Reading edition of 2022! The new year starts with an all too familiar challenge – COVID-19. The highly transmissible omicron Covid-19 variant is resulting in record numbers of cases and…

Weekend Reading: D is for Delirium, L is for List, the F Word and more 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: D is for Delirium, L is for List, the F Word and more

Most of us have been asked to sing or listen to a child singing an alphabet song or two – multiple times! Perhaps it was the “traditional” ABC song that uses the same tune as Twinkle Twinkle…

Does Your Hospital Get Top Grades? 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Does Your Hospital Get Top Grades?

WHEN YOU WALK INTO a hospital to get treatment for yourself or a loved one, you’re trusting that the facility and staff follow practices to keep you safe and properly cared for. But trust should…

Weekend Reading: The Kids Are Not Alright, The Kids Are Not Alone, What’s the Answer? Ever Wonder? 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: The Kids Are Not Alright, The Kids Are Not Alone, What’s the Answer? Ever Wonder?

We all have them – favorite routes traveled by car or by foot, by bike or other modes of transportation. Scattered landmarks along the routes  mark progress to the destination. Perhaps it’s a coffee shop, a park or the giant…

Weekend Reading: COVID Thanksgiving 2.0; Thanks and Giving; Timer Setting: 3 Minutes; Thanksgiving Hacks 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: COVID Thanksgiving 2.0; Thanks and Giving; Timer Setting: 3 Minutes; Thanksgiving Hacks

Thanksgiving celebrations this year will one again be impacted by COVID-19 – although not to the extent as last year. The COVID-19 vaccines in the arms of millions of Americans will allow a Thanksgiving with fewer…

Weekend Reading: “I am a fat boy now and I feel fine,” Unequal Access, Battle Continues and Out of the Blue 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: “I am a fat boy now and I feel fine,” Unequal Access, Battle Continues and Out of the Blue

November 2021 is National Diabetes Awareness month, a time to raise awareness of this chronic condition that can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, amputations, vision loss, and other serious health problems. Diabetes is increasing at an alarming…

Weekend Reading: It’s time, Codswallop, Kids and Part of Life 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: It’s time, Codswallop, Kids and Part of Life

November kicked off with numerous key developments in the fight against COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11 after the unanimous recommendation by the agency’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.…

Burned out and walking out: Workers seek good pay, benefits, and a humane culture 1280 854 AEPC Health

Burned out and walking out: Workers seek good pay, benefits, and a humane culture

The numbers and the stories bear it out. The “Great Resignation” is a term coined by Anthony Klotz, a professor of business administration at Texas A&M University, to describe the unusually high rate of people…

Weekend Reading: Music as Medicine, Hospital Notes, Notable News & Take a Breath 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Music as Medicine, Hospital Notes, Notable News & Take a Breath

No better way to close out October than with Halloween celebrations! Unlike last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given the green light to outdoor Halloween trick-or-treating. The CDC does recommend…

Weekend Reading: Delirium Factories, Hear Me Out, Here’s to Halloween and more! 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Delirium Factories, Hear Me Out, Here’s to Halloween and more!

The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted the essential role of intensive care units (ICUs) in treating critically ill patients, such as those with severe respiratory conditions. One of the early intensive care units was started during…

Weekend Reading: News Break, It’s a Marathon, Heavy Metal, & Ever Wonder? 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: News Break, It’s a Marathon, Heavy Metal, & Ever Wonder?

Healthcare Quality Week, sponsored by  the National Association for Healthcare Quality, starts October 17th. HQW recognizes the contributions professionals have made to improve quality of care and raise awareness of quality issues. The focus on healthcare quality and patient safety…

Weekend Reading: Don’t Wait, Wait – Don’t Miss This, “Weight” a Minute & More 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Don’t Wait, Wait – Don’t Miss This, “Weight” a Minute & More

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month  – an annual campaign to raise awareness about the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. It is also a time to encourage women diagnosed with breast cancer and remember those who lost…

Sticks & Stones, Been There, Things are Looking Better & More! 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Sticks & Stones, Been There, Things are Looking Better & More!

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Reading!  October is packed full of important national health awareness campaigns – many of which will be covered in upcoming Weekend Reading series. This month’s national health awareness campaigns include health literacy, breast…

Increased Health Literacy = Better Health, Savings and Less Frustration 2560 939 AEPC Health

Increased Health Literacy = Better Health, Savings and Less Frustration

Whether you’re seeking routine medical care, making an unexpected trip to the emergency room, or getting treatment for a serious illness, it’s common to encounter unfamiliar words, intimidating procedures or tests, and possibly having to…

In the News, Just Saying, Food for Thought & More! 2121 1414 AEPC Health

In the News, Just Saying, Food for Thought & More!

Summer is officially over as the fall season began on September 22nd. In many parts of the country, temperatures will gradually decline, and leaves will fall from trees. Will COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths follow suit and decline? The COVID-19…

Everybody Hurts, How to Save A Life, Don’t Believe the Hype and More! 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Everybody Hurts, How to Save A Life, Don’t Believe the Hype and More!

September is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month; the month that shines a spotlight on a topic not often talked about. While many suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions would lead to an…

Weekend Reading: Balancing Freedoms, Test Time, Life Changes & Lives Impacted, Lasting Effects 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Balancing Freedoms, Test Time, Life Changes & Lives Impacted, Lasting Effects

Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon. Most people can remember when they learned of the attacks on New York and the Pentagon and their reactions. So many stories of…

Weekend Reading: Got a Job, It’s My Life, On the Edge, Workin’ for a Livin’ 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Got a Job, It’s My Life, On the Edge, Workin’ for a Livin’

The Labor Day holiday gives many a three-day weekend and time to spend relaxing as summer unofficially ends. The idea of Labor Day emerged in the late 19th century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize…

The Strengths of Aging: How Individuals and Society Benefit From Elders 2560 1707 AEPC Health

The Strengths of Aging: How Individuals and Society Benefit From Elders

When we say someone is “young at heart,” we’re usually describing qualities found in young people: attributes such as a readiness to play, laugh and look at the world through a lens of possibilities, no…

Weekend Reading: Carrots or Sticks, Truth or Consequences and More 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Carrots or Sticks, Truth or Consequences and More

For decades, medical professionals, behavioral economists, psychologists and other thought leaders have looked for the “secret sauce” that will move people towards a healthier life. Are people motivated by a financial incentive to make lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking,…

Less is More or Is More Preferred to Less? 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Less is More or Is More Preferred to Less?

The familiar expression, less is more, first appeared in the 1855 poem by Robert Browning, Andrea del Sarto, in the year 1855:            Yet do much less, so much less…Well, less is more, Lucrezia; I am judged. In 1947, architect Ludwig Mies…

It’s Groundhog Day 2.0 2121 1414 AEPC Health

It’s Groundhog Day 2.0

Today is Groundhog Day, as in the 1993 movie starring Bill Murray. The movie is about Phil, a weatherman, who is once again sent by his company to Punxsutawney, PA to report on the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney on Groundhog…

COVID-19 vaccines for children: what parents want to know 2560 1707 AEPC Health

COVID-19 vaccines for children: what parents want to know

With a new school year just around the corner, parents are thinking about more than back-to-school clothes and supplies for their kids this year. Memories of remote learning from the last school year are still…

Weekend Reading: It Takes the Wisdom of the Elders and Young People’s Energy, Victory 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: It Takes the Wisdom of the Elders and Young People’s Energy, Victory

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Reading! August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), an annual observance that highlights the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. It’s a good time to check that children are up to date…

Weekend Reading: Out in Front, 100 Meter Sprints, Like an Olympian, Twisties, Don Juan van de Donkhoeve & more 2121 1414 AEPC Health

Weekend Reading: Out in Front, 100 Meter Sprints, Like an Olympian, Twisties, Don Juan van de Donkhoeve & more

Some days it feels that the changing CDC COVID-19 mask and other guidance is like an Olympic gymnast twisting above the uneven bars or tumbling during floor exercises. Or maybe the CDC is experiencing twisties. If you are not familiar…

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