Throughout history, people have justifiably feared diseases that could not be prevented or effectively treated. In the early 20th century, around 675,000 people in the U.S. died from the Spanish…
read moreWith wand in hand, the magician speaks the familiar words, abracadabra, and poof a rabbit comes out of an empty top hat! Next the magician tells “you to pick a…
read moreImagine for a moment that you are once again a teenager. Perhaps you were argumentative, defied rules at school and home or engaged in other behaviors that made your parents more than cringe.…
read moreWelcome to another edition of Weekend Reading! Moms, grandmothers, and aunts are often credited with using well-known catchy, or maybe not so catchy, phrases to teach children values and life…
read moreThe numbers and the stories bear it out. The “Great Resignation” is a term coined by Anthony Klotz, a professor of business administration at Texas A&M University, to describe the…
read moreThe familiar expression, less is more, first appeared in the 1855 poem by Robert Browning, Andrea del Sarto, in the year 1855: Yet do much less, so much less…Well, less is more, Lucrezia; I am…
read moreThe 2020 Olympics, postponed due to COVID-19, officially started with Friday’s Opening Ceremony. In many ways, the Opening Ceremony was like that of prior summer games. In the Parade of Nations, jubilant athletes…
read moreIt’s a data point that should command our attention. The highest number of fatal drug overdoses ever recorded in the U.S. in a single year – 87,203 deaths in the…
read moreThe old saying, “Penny-wise and dollar-foolish” comes to mind when you read the new NBER study that shows increases in copayments and/or coinsurance for prescription drugs cause people to stop…
read moreStories in last Friday’s Weekend Reading highlighted a pandemic related health concern many of us have noted over the last 12 months: weight gain among children and adults. Staying in…
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