Today is nineteenth anniversary of the September 11th terrorists’ attacks on the US. The plane hijackings that struck the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field killed 2,977 people and left many others with lifetime health problems. The acts of bravery of countless people will never be forgotten. Life post-911 changed, from new airline security measures to the “War on Terror.”
The events of September 11th showed the resilience of Americans to overcome difficult times. COVID-19 provides yet another opportunity for resiliency.
For this Weekend Reading, I hope you enjoy the following:
1. #Never Forget 911
- History: 5 Ways September 11 Changed America
- The Atlantic: On 9/11, Luck Meant Everything
- Axios: My 9/11 story: A New Yorker’s account
- – 9/11: The Final Minutes of Flight 93, others
2. #Resilience
- Mayo Clinic: Resilience: Build skills to endure hardship
- New York Times: To Build Emotional Strength, Expand Your Brain
- New York Times: Exercise May Make It Easier to Bounce Back From Stress
- University of Washington School of Medicine: 8 tips to help parents and kids cope during pandemic
- University of Washington School of Medicine: Helping kids stay resilient through a pandemic – Video
3. #Just the Facts
- AP: Does my employer have to say if a coworker has the virus?
- Mayo Clinic: Cancer causes: Popular myths about the causes of cancer
- AP: Can I use a face shield instead of a mask?
4. #Viewpoints
- USA Today: One team, one fight: Wearing masks after the 9/11 attacks and during COVID-19
- The Atlantic: The Grief Americans No Longer Share
- New York Times: Is Resilience Overrated?
- Harvard Business Review: Without Compassion, Resilient Leaders Will Fall Short
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Suzanne Daniels, Ph.D.
AEPC President
P.O. Box 1416
Birmingham, MI 48012
Office: (248) 792-2187
Email: [email protected]