In the opening sentence to an article about consumer satisfaction, Penchansky and Thomas wrote “access is a major concern in health care policy and is one of the most frequently used words in discussions of the health care system.” The authors established five dimensions of access, known as the 5 A’s; affordability, availability, accessibility, accommodation, and acceptability. The A’s can be defined as:
Affordability: is the patient willing and able to pay the provider’s charges? Or if insured, does the patient have the ability to pay the out-of-pocket costs?
Availability: does the provider have the necessary resources, such as personnel and technology, to meet the needs of the patient?
Accessibility: how easily can the patient physically reach the provider’s location? This is the question addressed by network geo access evaluations.
Accommodation: is the provider’s operation organized in ways that meet the preferences of the patient; such as things like hours of operation, telephone/digital communication options, and if the provider is accepting new patients.
Acceptability: is the patient comfortable with the immutable characteristics of the provider, and vice versa? These characteristics include the age, sex, and ethnicity of the provider and of the patient.
It’s easy to see how these 5 A’s of access apply to our current healthcare system. And that is also a bit unfortunate. You see, the article written by Penchansky and Thomas was published in 1981 – and today we continue to wrestle with many of these same issues!
Check out Get What You Need for information on current healthcare access issues including hospital closures!
Happy reading,
Suzanne Daniels
- Hitting the Headlines: current healthcare news, including recent eyedrops recalls, raccoon-dog Covid-19 origin theory, and Medicaid loss & employer coverage.
- Get What You Need: is your hospital closing, cities with the most doctors, and access to abortion medication.
- Just A Little Innovation: creative approaches to addressing the mental health provider shortage.
- Why We Do What We Do: including my personal favorite, Why We Want to Squeeze Cute, Little Things!
Hitting the Headlines
New York Times
What to Know About the Recent Eye Drop Recalls
AP News
New COVID origins data point to raccoon dogs in China market
Healthpayer Intelligence
Americans Who Lose Medicaid Post-PHE May Choose Employer-Sponsored Coverage
Get What You Need?
600 hospitals in danger of closing, per study: Is yours on the list?
Becker’s Hospital Review
5 cities with the most, fewest primary care providers
Federal judge in Texas hears case that could force a major abortion pill off market
Just A Little Innovation
Washington Post
A novel program for teens in mental health crisis
University of Michigan
A ‘game changer’ for mental health
Commonwealth Fund
Strengthening Home- and Community-Based Services to Stabilize Young People with Behavioral Health Problems and Keep Them Out of Hospitals
Why We Do What We Do
Smithsonian Magazine
Why We Want to Squeeze Cute, Little Things
Washington Post
Are you mindlessly scrolling? Here’s how to tame your bad tech habit.
Enjoy the weekend!
Suzanne Daniels, Ph.D.
AEPC President
P.O. Box 1416
Birmingham, MI 48012
Office: (248) 792-2187
Email: [email protected]

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